Supporting Students



Every child deserves an education. A scholarship can make that dream come true. It can also change the trajectory of that students life, as well as their families. Please donate to provide scholarships for students to cover tuition, fees, uniforms, and exams.

$100 will provide primary school fees and uniforms, $150 will provide secondary school fees and uniforms.

We also provide funding for books, school supplies and other items for the most needy children. Most of their families survive by breaking stones, fishing, or selling various wares. Your support enables these families to keep their children in school and provide the tools they need for success.

Students attend college!

For years we have been tutoring local students, provide financial assistance and school supplies. In 2021/2022 we finally have 3 young women and 4 young men that we are funded to start their first year of college!  These students are the first in their families to make it to higher education. Their success will make a difference for many in the community. 

In 2022/2023 we have another young woman that started her first year, and 4 of the first year students were promoted to their second year. This is a huge success!

2023/2024 we have college students in their first, second and third year! We are currently sponsoring 4 young women and 4 young men with tuition, fees, books, some with transportation and computers.

$500 will provide one year of college tuition and fees. Please consider donating to help these students make a difference in their lives and those of their family and community.

Please help us by donating to this cause.



Library & Learning Center

Children and adults who do not attend school have no place to learn to read or write. Students who do attend school do not have access to tutoring, a place to study, or do homework. We are currently in the process of building a library and learning  center. The center will include a library, tutoring sessions, community meeting room, and computer lab.  The center will also provide jobs for the older students to help with teaching the younger children. This facility will enhance the members of the communities chances to continue and succeed in their educational endeavors.



We are still tutoring children in our yard until the library and learning center is completed. They are so eager to learn, and have improved their reading, writing and math skills with the individual attention. Helping them to learn brings us immeasurable pleasure. These are the children we hope will be our next generation of college students!! We are so proud of them. 2024 we added a Saturday reading day to our schedule so the students who don’t have access to books can read together or individually for a few hours on their weekend.

  Please help us by donating to this cause.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela