Supporting Communities


Community Library & Learning Center

SCENE started the design phase in 2017 with the help of students from the Colorado School of Mines, to build a community library and learning center. The center will provide educational and employment opportunities to improve the welfare of the families in Adonkia and surrounding communities.

We broke ground November 2019!! In 2020 the property was fenced and gated, rocks broken and ground leveled to begin the foundation.

In 2021-22 we completed the foundation and walls.


The learning center will include primary, secondary, and adult learning areas, a library, computer classroom, and community meeting room.

In 2022-23 we completed the roof, window security grills, front door and hand rail, septic tank, water tower, and lots of landscaping. Landscaping included, steps and walkways around the entire library perimeter, and retaining walls for the entire library property. We also have the plumbing roughed in and plumbing supplies purchased.

Starting in the Fall of 2023 and into early 2024, we hope to complete the plumbing, ceiling, install window glass and screens, tile the floors, plaster and paint both the exterior and interior walls.

In 2023-24 we completed the interior ceiling, painting inside and out, floor tile and bathroom walls tiled, plumbing complete, glass windows, water collection, electricity, and finally began building bookcases and tables. We are very close to completing our library! Fall 2024 and into 2025 we plan to finish building furniture, concrete the driveway/entrance, and put all the books into the library. Hopefully we will complete these tasks and have a grand opening.

We need donations to complete the project.

Please help us by donating to this cause.

Soccer Equipment

Sports are not only a healthy break from schoolwork and physical labor, but can also help with the social and physical development of children. We are fortunate to have high schools, clubs, and individuals donate soccer outfits, cleats, balls, and backpacks to distribute to schools and communities. These items are a luxury in Sierra Leone and very popular with youth and adults. We can always use donations of all types of soccer equipment.

Please help us by donating to this cause.



Water Spigots

December 2018, the elders in Adonkia requested three double faucet water spigots be placed along the road where the largest number of families do not have running water. SCENE provided the funds for materials and the community provided the labor, digging the trench for the pipes and building the troughs for the spigots. Access to running water has proved to be a valuable asset to the community, saving time and labor as well as easy access to clean water. The spigots have become a daily gathering spot for members of the community.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela