News & Current  Projects



Library and Learning Center  2023-24

During our latest visit, 2023-2024 we completed the interior ceiling, painting inside and out, glass windows, tile for flooring and bathroom walls, plumbing installation completed, electricity including ceiling fans, and a water collection system. Lastly we started building bookcases, tables and benches. The library is beautiful and we are very happy with how much we accomplished. Besides the library we also continue to support students in primary, secondary and college programs, tutoring sessions twice a week and Saturday reading sessions.

Library and Learning Center 2022-23

During our visit, 2022-2023 we completed the roof, a lot of landscaping in the form of steps, sidewalks, and retaining walls. We also roughed in the plumbing, built a water tank tower, purchased a 3000 liter water tank, installed grills on the windows, a septic system, and a beautiful front door and hand railing. We are very happy about how much we accomplished. Much of the success is due to the dedication of the local workers who toiled long, hot days to complete these projects. And of course, the funds available from our generous donors. See the photos below of our progress.


Library and Learning Center  2021-22

During our visit, 2021-2022 we completed the foundation and the walls! Next step is the roof which we will complete later this year.  Check out the pictures of our progress.


Library and Learning Center 2020

We broke ground on the library as planned November 2019. The concrete fence and gates surrounding the property are complete, a building permit and engineering firm has been secured, surveying is done, and currently the rocks are being broken to level the ground for the foundation! Hopefully the foundation and walls will be up by late 2022. We are very excited!

Groundbreaking for Library and Learning Center 2019

The Colorado School of Mines students completed the design of our new Library and Learning Center. Groundbreaking was November 2019 when we arrived in Adonkia. We are very excited to start building with local community help. Thanks to all of our donors who have made this dream come true. We still need funds to complete the project, but can hopefully get the foundation, walls and roof done before the rainy season commences again.

Library & Learning Center

SCENE has secured property in Bango Farm to build the Community Library and Learning Center. We are extremely excited about this project. A group of students from Colorado School of Mines are designing the Center to include solar energy, water collection and drinking water systems, computer center, library and tutoring rooms.

Most exciting is we will soon be able to move our tutoring from outdoors into a proper learning center. We will also be able to setup our library, computer center and provide a place for students and community members to read, study and learn.

 Please help us by donating to this cause.

Books, School Supplies, Soccer Equipment

Almost every year we  ship 77 gallon drums filled with books, schools supplies, and soccer equipment. SCENE has distributed these items to five primary and two secondary schools in Adonkia, Freetown, and Makeni, as well as to many children in the Bango Farm community. We are also storing some of our books for our Library and Learning Center.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela