Supporting Community Educational Needs & Endeavors (SCENE) is a USA and Sierra Leone based non-profit 501c3 organization focused on principles that access to education and employment can change the trajectory of another person’s life. SCENE is working to enhance that access so communities will thrive, sustain themselves, and become contributing members of society.

We provide scholarships for tuition, fees, school supplies, uniforms and other basic support to at-risk children who need extra support to stay in school and learn.

We started a new project in 2018 working with students at the Colorado School of Mines to design a community library & learning center that will provide educational and employment opportunities in Adonkia. Since 2018, work on this project has progressed and by February 2022 we purchased the property, fenced and gated it, and completed the foundation and walls. By March 2023 we made significant progress on the library, including: roof, septic, plumbing, landscaping, water tower and tank, window grates, front door and hand railing. By April 2024 we have installed windows, ceiling, tiled flooring and entryway, electricity, and started construction bookcases and tables.

SCENE also donates books and soccer equipment to local schools and communities.


"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela